MATTER’S WHISPER ~ Immersive Exhibition mixing Crafts and Digital Arts

Matter’s whisper is an immersive exhibition project forming a dialogue between Japanese and French cultures through the valorization of ancestral know-how by the use of digital arts.

How could matter express itself ? How to perceive the sensitive character of an inert subject ? It is by naming this paradox that the project begins, in the way of an enigma to guide the visitor towards an encounter with the matter.

Built on a mutual enrichment through the use of culturally different techniques, Matter’s Whisper presents the collaborative work of four French and Japanese artists in an exchange between video art, electronic music and traditional wood- and glass-working skills.

To speak of the murmur of matter is for us to speak of what becomes of the material worked outside its finality as a functional object or symbolic work. This listening of the murmur can occur by considering the material, raw or worked, in its intimate forms beyond its simple external aspect, reasoned and conceptualized. It is the simplicity of this approach that makes listening complex, in that it consists of an attempt to strip away our usual ways of observing, in order to try to question the visitor on what an object or a fragment of matter says about the world. To speak about the whisper of the matter is to try to show the subtle relation which links this fragment to the hand which worked it, to the culture from which it comes as well as to the rest of the world by the traces which it carries in itself

Two performances – by Yuri Urano and Xavier Prevot – will allow visitors to witness in real time the composition of sound and the creation of video images at the heart of the installation, in an instinctive dialogue around the abstraction of matter.  This dreamlike journey will invite viewers to appreciate the unexpectedness of improvising with music and video, while discovering the sensitive gestures that are constructed in a relationship between the artist and the work medium. Matter’s Whisper will become a living object in its own right, evolving in resonance with its own universe under the gaze of the visitor.


Date: November 9th to December 3rd, 2023

Opening hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00
Opening event: November 11th (Saturday) 18:00 ~
Performance: November 11th & 12th (Sat. 18:30 – Sun. 14:30)

Admission fees : the exhibition and performances are accessible with the purchase of a temple admission ticket, at no extra charge.


・Nina Fradet _ HINN STUDIO – Visual arts and craftsmanship. Conception and realization of works in wood and Takezaiku (
・Xavier Prevot – Digital arts and illustration – VJing, video performances in live shows ( More about his work:
・Yuri Urano – Electronic music – soundscape composition and musical performances (
・Keiji Okushima – Visual arts and crafts – Creation of works in blown and cast molded glass (


Partnership :
Cabinetmaking workshop in Kyoto, part of the GENETO Tokyo-Kyoto architecture firm (


With the support of the Franco-Japanese Sasakawa Foundation, Daigo-ji Buddhist Temple in Kyoto, Japan Legacy and the Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d’art in Paris.


Matter’s whisper」は、デジタル・アートを用いて、先祖代々のノウハウの価値を高めることを通して、日本とフランスの文化の対話を形成する没入型の展覧会プロジェクトである。素材はどのように表現 できるのか?動かない物体の センシティブな特性をどのように捉えられるのか? このパラドックスに名前をつけることがプロジェクトの始まりで あり、 この謎に包まれた迷路で来場者を素材との出会いへ導く。





場所 . 総本山醍醐寺、京都市

601-1325 京都市伏見区醍醐東大路町22

展覧会 . 119日から2023123日まで

営業時間 . 午前9時~午後5

オープニング . 20231111 : 午後6時(土)

公演 . 20231111 : 午後630分 ()12 : 午後230分 () ~ 45

拝観料 . テンプル入場券を購入すれば、追加料金なしで展覧会と公演に参加できる。

フラデ・ニナ .  ビジュアルアートとクラフトマン。 木材と竹細工での企画・制作。

プレヴォ・グザビエ  .  イラストとデジタルアート。 ビジュアルジョッキー、 ライブビデオパーフォーマー。

ウラノ ユリ .  電子音楽とサウンドスケープのアーティスト、作曲家。

Home Page – Yuri Urano

奥島圭二 . ガラス作家

パートナー :

Pivoto ワークショップ 京都市の木材デザインチム、 GENETO (京都と東京を拠点に活動する一級建築士事務所)に所属。

笹川日仏財団、總本山 醍醐寺、合同会社ジャパンレガシー、パリのデザイン・モード・メティエ・ダール局の後援。


Press release in english:

Dossier de presse en français: